Razer Kraken Gaming Headset: Lightweight Aluminum Frame – Retractable Noise Isolating Microphone – For PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, Xbox Series X & S, Mobile – 3.5 mm Headphone Jack – Classic Black
$39.71 BZD
Amazon.com ★★★★★ Razer Kraken Gaming Headset: Lightweight Aluminum Frame – Retractable Noise… See it Immersive, 7.1 Surround Sound for Positional Audio: Outfitted with custom-tuned 50 mm drivers, capable of software-enabled surround sound (only available on Windows 10 64-bit). All-Day Comfort: Oval, cooling gel-infused cushions that prevent overheating and pressure build-up. Retractable Noise Isolating Microphone: An […]
- Immersive, 7.1 Surround Sound for Positional Audio: Outfitted with custom-tuned 50 mm drivers, capable of software-enabled surround sound (only available on Windows 10 64-bit).
- All-Day Comfort: Oval, cooling gel-infused cushions that prevent overheating and pressure build-up.
- Retractable Noise Isolating Microphone: An improved cardioid mic reduces background and ambient noises for crystal-clear communication.
- In-Line Audio Controls: A built-in an analog volume control wheel and mic mute switch.
- Lightweight & Durable: Made of bauxite aluminum, the Kraken frame is flexible and designed to last.
- Cross-platform compatibility: Works with PC, Mac, PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and mobile devices via 3.5mm jack, enjoy unfair audio advantage across almost every platform.
Specification: Razer Kraken Gaming Headset: Lightweight Aluminum Frame – Retractable Noise Isolating Microphone – For PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, Xbox Series X & S, Mobile – 3.5 mm Headphone Jack – Classic Black
7 reviews for Razer Kraken Gaming Headset: Lightweight Aluminum Frame – Retractable Noise Isolating Microphone – For PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, Xbox Series X & S, Mobile – 3.5 mm Headphone Jack – Classic Black
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$39.71 BZD
Angel Guzmán –
As someone who has issues with headphones wearing my glasses, these are hands down amazing! I do not feel any sort of pressure on the sides of my head. I can wear them for hours and my ears don’t get sore. The sound is amazing. The speakers are great. When I’m speaking to someone they can’t hear any ambient background noise, just my voice, even when I’m typing on my mechanical keyboard! I’m so happy with my purchase!! My only issue I had is that I purchased an open box but it was missing the mic/audio splitter, so that was a little disappointing. However, I reached out to amazon and they were very quick to help me in any way they could!
Angel Guzmán –
The headset is comparable to that of a $40 headset without the surround sound softeare active. When you order this headset you’re supposed to receive an activation code with it to activate the surround sound software on your PC. I did not receive this code. I registered my product at Razer.com because I was told by Razer support that their system would generate a could and would email it to me within 24 hours. I waited 48 hours and did not receive the code. I contacted support again and they told me that I would ve contacted by a special support team within 24 hours that would give me a code to activate the software. It’s been 48 hours and I still have not been contacted by anyone. The only good thing about this headset for me right now is that it’s comfortable. That’s it. Without the surround sound software it’s not good at all.UPDATE: I finally after many attempts with their support was able to get the code for the surround sound software. The headset is noticeably better and is a much more enjoyable experience overall. The retractable mic is also a nice option so that it doesn’t get in the way when I’m not using it. The headsets are comfortable even after long gaming sessions. For the price they are good headsets. The surround sound software makes a difference and is a must in my opinion.
Jennifer –
Overall these headphones are good for gaming. The sound quality is perfectly fine for video games and good for music, however I prefer my AirPods or computer speakers way more. The only reason I bought these is because you can’t use AirPods mic on Windows 10 and I wanted to be able to talk in game. So for using them for gaming it’s perfectly fine, but if you’re an audiophile or just want some really good headphones with a mic I would suggest maybe spending a bit more, or getting a nice pair of headphones and separate mic for your PC. I find that some songs sound really good with this headset, while others sound a little off. Also the 7.1 surround sound is a cool feature, but the difference between the simulated/virtual surround sound in this headset and true surround sound is night and day, so I wouldn’t get your hopes up too high for the virtual 7.1 feature, I used it for a bit in Modern Warfare and didn’t really like it so I turned it off. That being said, for the price it’s not bad and I wouldn’t expect much more than what I got. Overall I’m okay with them.Pros:- Long cable- They’re comfortable (On my old Beats Solo’s that are on-ear they start to get uncomfortable/hurt after a couple hours, but these are over-ear and I’ve worn them for multiple hours without getting uncomfortable.)- Comes with a cable splitter/adapter (Turns the single 3.5 jack into two separate mic and headphone jacks)- Retractable and flexible microphone- In-line controls on the cable (It has a mute switch and a volume knob)- Virtual 7.1 surround soundCons:- Sound quality (Like I said, it sounds perfectly fine for games, but I find some songs and videos/movies sound a little off, but I guess it’s all personal preference and depends what you’re watching/listening to. I find in some songs the bass is good but the highs are muddy, and other songs the highs and mids are fine but the bass isn’t all there while the same songs sound fine on my PC speakers. But that’s not all songs, most songs sound perfectly fine to me.)- Virtual 7.1 surround sound (I put this in pros and cons because it’s a cool feature and I’m glad they added it, but like I said sometimes it doesn’t sound great and I personally never use it, but some people will enjoy it.)Overall I’d say they’re worth it if you’re using them for gaming, and they’re not bad for watching YouTube, Netflix, or listening to music.Also, I learned this the hard way. If you’re on Windows 10 and the mic isn’t working go into Settings>Privacy>Microphone and make sure the “Allow apps to access your microphone” setting is enabled. I had it disabled and the mic wasn’t working. I reinstalled drivers, restarted my PC, plugged the headphone into different jacks, searched Google for answers, watched YouTube videos. I was getting so mad I thought I got a pair with a broken microphone. Took me 2 hours to realize all I had to do was enable that one setting lol.
Honest feedback from an honest guy –
La verdad nunca había tenido un producto Razer, pero había escuchado que son como el Apple de los periféricos gaming, y creo que esta premisa es cierta en parte, pero no del todo.Diseño, comfort y materiales:Son muy cómodos, realmente en este apartado no les pongo ningún pero, sus almohadillas refrigeradas parecen magia negra, si bien no evitan que sudes si hace mucho calor, proporcionan una sensación de frio que nunca había visto con cualquier otro headset.La presión que ejercen sobre tu cabeza es ligera, esto es bueno para la comodidad, pero no servirían para VR porque al hacer movimientos bruscos se caen.El diseño me agradó bastante, son bonitos y en su versión negra se ven muy bien aunque si son enormes, considero que salir con ellos se vería raro por las dimensiones de este headset, pero no son para eso entonces esto no me pareció tan importante, solo ten en cuenta que quizá te veas chistoso o raro con ellos puestos.Los materiales son de buena calidad, aluminio y plástico de tacto suave, las almohadillas son como de tela muy cómoda y considerando que me costaron $1,250, quedo bastante satisfecho en este aspecto.Usabilidad:La usabilidad de esta diadema es bastante regular, no me gustó que el cable fuera tan corto, se supone que son para gaming pero al usarlos en mi PC el cable se quedaba muy corto, y eso que mi escritorio es bastante pequeño. Al usarlos con mi control de Xbox esto no fue problema, ya que lo usas cerca de ti, pero de todos modos 1.2m de cable es muy poco así que debes considerar que si los usarás en PC, tendrás que comprar un extensor 3.5mm.El interruptor de mute me gustó, tiene buen tacto así como el control de volumen, muy útiles ambos.Audio:Desafortunadamente es en este apartado donde este hermoso headset se desploma para mi gusto. Siendo una persona que ha probado varios audífonos de gran calidad (no audiófilos), tales como los Bose QC35, Sony XM3s, ATH M50x, puedo dar una opinión suficientemente informada.No hablaré del “7.1” ya que me parece muy artificial, arruina el audio considerablemente.Los bajos están bastante presentes, lo cual es bueno para escuchar los pasos del enemigo en shooters, o para darte más inmersión en juegos con explosiones y demás, sin embargo incluso en juegos siento que son muy intrusivos y sin definición, dando una sensación artificial.Al escuchar música esto se acentúa todavía más, dándote una sensación de lejanía y cierta distorsión, los bajos son prominentes pero con poca definición. En canciones como 10% de KAYNATRADA, puedes apreciar que el bajo se distorsiona bastante y genera una mala sensación.El audio posicional me pareció muy bueno probándolo en juegos como Valorant y CSGO, pude discernir el lugar exacto de los enemigos, izquierda, derecha, arriba, abajo, donde sea.Los medios no me parecieron tan malos, en diálogos de juegos puedes apreciar las voces de manera regular, aunque aún con la sensación de poco realismo y lejanía.En música, sin embargo, es cuando te das cuenta que también flaquean, en canciones como Regardless de RAYE, puedes apreciar distorsiones en la voz gracias al énfasis en los bajos.Finalmente las altas frecuencias, que te diré, aquí no hay realmente mucho que decir puesto que son malas a secas.Mucha distorsión y más lejanía que nada.En cuanto al soundstage, no puedes esperar mucho por el precio, pero de todos modos me decepcionó.Todo esto pude ajustarlo hasta cierto punto con un equalizador, logré que el perfil de sonido estuviera más equilibrado, pero no logré eliminar la sensación de lejanía y poca definición.Conclusión:Un muy buen headset si lo que quieres es estrictamente gaming y no estás interesado en el audio de fidelidad.No pagaría más de $1,500 por ellos la verdad.Los regresé a las 3 semanas, pero quizá sea porque he escuchado audífonos mejores y ya me acostumbré a un cierto estándar de audio.Aunque larga, espero te sea de ayuda mi opinión (:
SuzyQue –
The hardware in the Krakens is excellent, imo. My husband loves these phones (and I do, too!) My previous phones, a pair of Sony MDR-7506’s, were so good we thought nothing could beat them, even though the Sony phones’ drivers are 40 mms in size and these Razer Kraken drivers are 50mm–much depends on the amplification hardware in the ear pads and motherboard hardware as to which will drive the better sound–eg., 50 mm drivers are not automatically better than 40mm drivers, regardless of the hardware environments. A lot also depends on the preferences of the individuals asked to state their opinions, of course. Some people like bass so overwhelming it actually distorts whereas other people like it only enough to hear it plainly with no distortion, and others like it turned down or off, inexplicably, etc. (But you can’t argue with individual opinions, right?…Opinions are like armpits–we all have at least two of them, eh? So, I advise listening to all sides and colors of opinions, especially about computer hardware! There’s always something new to learn even we don’t agree with the overall opinions other people have or their conclusions. Opinions should always be debated–never, ever censored, we firmly believe!)Bear in mind, both sets of phones were tested via my husband’s x570 Aorus Master motherboard’s RealTek’HD Audio 3.5mm analog Hi-Definition front-panel jack–the best earphone connection jack in the system, btw. (Give me wired over wireless any day–I hate batteries and frequency interference, not to mention security concerns that do not exist with wired connections, etc.) The x570 Master also supports, in hardware, a 3-position headphone amp, and a hardware DAC, a SABRE 9118 DAC–the combination has to be heard to be properly appreciated, imo.Connector cabling. The Kraken offers a superior wiring connection–Kraken uses an extremely thin and ultra-flexible braided connector cable, whereas the Sony offers a thick, plastic-covered connection cable in which most of the length is coiled, just like analog amp cables circa the 1960’s were made. Indeed, the Sony cabling doesn’t look like something made for a 3.5mm plug! It looks exactly like something made for a full size plug! It’s opinion, sure, as everything always is in the end, but we much prefer the Kraken’s cabling over that used in the Sony cans used as the baseline comparison for this review. The Kraken cabling is ultralight, ultrathin, cloth braided, and so ultra-flexible that there simply isn’t any obstinate stiffness in the cable that can be perceived. We both like it very much because of that–it is the nearest thing to not having a cable at all, but without any of the negatives of wireless. Sony’s cabling is–well–SoA, circa 1969…;) Reminds my husband of plugging in his ancient but revered Gibson SG-Specials or Fender Strats & Telecasters into nice big onstage amps (which he still does, only the amps are a fair bit smaller, thankfully…;) )Razer Kraken has an inline volume and microphone control switch. The Sony has neither–well, it doesn’t have a microphone at all, so of course no Mic on/off switch. The Kraken has a nice, radial volume control for the cans, and a straight on-off switch for the Mic. Neither of us is a Mic user, so I’ll leave that portion of the review to others better qualified to write about it in another review. Suffice it to say the Mic works as advertised and the on/off inline switch works fine.Now for the optional DSP software. Here’s the situation as we think it stands regarding the extra-cost surround software available for the Kraken, the THX Spatial Audio software for the Kraken. We don’t recommend anyone buying the Headphones without buying the offered THX Spatial Audio software! It’s offered at 50% off when you buy the Kraken Phones, by Razer. So it’s $10! It’s the best $10 you are going to spend for a long time. We believe that these phones should not be offered sans the THX Spatial Audio–it’s kind of baffling that they are offered without the custom THX software, frankly. However, there are people who love distorted bass and volumes so loud that King Kong’s eardrums would burst!…;) So maybe that’s why Razer doesn’t integrate this into this Kraken package. Still, it would be unusual to find earphone wearers who would prefer their games sounding like an avalanche of boulders tumbling down the side of Everest. I think, anyway…;)To sum it up–I love this software. Husband loves it. He says it’s much better than what he thought it might be. Razer includes a 7.1 surround-sound software solution free of charge with the Kraken, and it’s just “OK”–just kind of average–seems to induce a fair bit of bass distortion in speech in some of our games–one guy’s speech is nigh unintelligible with the Razer 7.1 surround sound package for the Krakens. But run the THX Spatial Audio, instead, and the difference is real and immediately noticeable. THX really justifies its commercial claims–the software brings out the best in the Kraken hardware!Comfort. It’s a very important category with cans–as all of us know. If you can’t game for hours because your phones are causing you pain or discomfort after a certain wearing time–that’s unacceptable. These Kraken phones have “Oval Cooling Gel Cushions” in the pads and I’m just going to say that they are very comfortable indeed. My husband says that this set is the most comfortable set of cans he’s ever worn. Both of us think the Sony set tends to “pinch” a bit in a long wear. The Sony pads are by no means uncomfortable, absolutely not. But both of us–my husband’s typically swelled head and my petite but usually swifter smaller head both find the Krakens more comfortable in all wear scenarios–which I find a bit unusual. My husband says that what surprises him about the Krakens in addition to the gel-filled ear pads is how comfortable they feel–even for a large head like his they feel like they’ve got more room to give–not something the Sony’s ever did. The Sony’s were adequate, just not as comfortable.Durability. This is a big one for us, but especially for my husband. He’s gone through many Plasticine sets of cans promising great durability. Hah. We have lost count of the very strong-looking plastic-frame headsets that after very little use, comparatively, use that was anything but harsh or abusive, simply fell apart, cracking through or breaking apart, and it happened over and over again. Hence, the hunt for metal headbands and construction in our headphones. Both the Sony and the Razer Kraken use metal in their construction, and what a difference! Neither set has come close to cracking or breaking apart! The Sony’s have been up for years without a single problem in that regard! Years, literally. We do not expect to see any less durability from our Razer Kraken–namely, the one reviewed in this article!Really, any aluminum-headband construction should suffice for a long, long time. Our advice is to avoid plastic like the plague–especially the plastic headbands that appear to hold massive weight and hold up under enormous wear and tear–especially those particular Plasticine headbands….;) They just aren’t going to be there one day when you really need them.Price: Believe it or not, the Sony cans are actually priced higher than the Kraken headset reviewed here. You can usually buy the Kraken Gaming Headset reviewed here plus the Razer THX Spatial Audio Software for less–that’s right–less than what the MDR-7506 is currently selling for in places such as AMAZON! Where you are right now.Summary: The Sony cans, the MDR-7506’s used as a baseline comparison for the Razer Kraken Gaming Headset review here, deliver really nice sound and were our number 1 choice in gaming headphones. Operative word being “were”….! These Razer Kraken headphones are better, in our very humble, sincere opinions!
Jennifer –
Pague 850 pesos por estos audífonos (color negro).. No soy experto en audio pero puedo decir que me parece muy bueno aunque podría ser mejor, el volumen no es tan alto (casi lo uso al nivel máximo) y los bajos podrían ser mejores. Los uso para Xbox y en mi celular y presenta lo mismo en cuanto a audio. El micrófono es bueno, me escuchan fuerte y claro, tenia mis dudas por las reseñas que leí pero a mi me han funcionado muy bien. Los cojines para las orejas están grandes por lo que mi orejas caben perfectamente, además es muy bueno el material refrescante, en verdad funciona de maravilla.Tiene cancelación de ruido, sonido 7.1, micrófono retractil y controlador de volumen y mute.Son cómodos, No son tan ligeros pero tampoco son tan pesados aun y cuando son bastante grandes, me parece buen balance. Por el precio y prestaciones que brinda son más que perfectos.Vienen en caja de buen gusto, incluyen unos stickers. Se que fue algo larga mi opinión pero espero te ayude a tomar la mejor decisión.
Honest feedback from an honest guy –
▶️ tldr; I bought these the Pink Kraken headphones for my daughter to use with her gaming setup. She liked them and they matched the rest of the pink gaming stuff. They were nice for her to use. I would recommend them for kids and people not real concerned about quality of sound or any discernment for being an audiophile/gamer. They are built well enough to be used as a daily pair of headphones without too many issues. I wouldn’t spend a fortune getting Razer products though for reasons stated in my review below.▶️ Long review:Drawing on my experience owning a dozen and a half Razer products and being an early adopter of many, including the Razer COVID-19 RGB face mask, I have some concerns that I want to share. Despite the hardware being of “good” quality, I have decided to stop using Razer products due the following… the software is intrusive and bloatware-like, which can slow down my computer’s startup times and memory usage. In addition, Razer’s software is often CPU & memory-heavy, causing issues when trying to use other equipment like my HP Mixed Reality VR equipment. Unfortunately, poor customer service and eventual buyers remorse for their “higher quality products” have also contributed to my decision. I’ve also noticed that Razer tends to exaggerate the quality of their products on their product pages. Another issue that I encountered with Razer over the years was their customer service. I found their customer service to be obnoxious, unhelpful and rude at times.Their headphones provide OK sound quality, I have found that the THX sound experience is not as realistic as Razer makes it out to be. You literally have front of you facing sound and kind of / sort of middle rear facing sound. It’s really not as big of a deal as Razer makes it out to be. It’s an exaggerated over embleshisment of what it really is.Don’t be fooled by Razer’s claims about THX on their heaphones. It’s not worth it. I own multiple pairs of Razer headphones and they don’t even come close to what I have with Corsair headphones. The bloatware software Razer provides can be tricky to use and never could figure out how to the surround sound effect to exist (I am an avid gamer/computer tech/computer programmer/music lover) but even with all the things I know about computers, I never could manage to get it to work. As far as I was concerend It was just 2 areas of sound (front and rear) — nothing like real surround sound or whatever they claim THX can do for you.I still consider Razer to be a producer of quality products. If you’re looking to settle for something versus nothing, Razer products could be a good option if the price is right. Razer’s unboxing experience is top-notch, and the RGB lights and effects are cool (based on what you buy from them). While I don’t hate Razer, I no longer use their products due to the quality of their software, their customer service being garbage and unhelpful, and they tend to exaggerate the quality of their products on their website. If you’re in the market for a new product and are looking to settle, Razer products could be a good option. Just be mindful how much you are spending and what kind of expectations you have going into it.Razer = longer term eventual disappointment once the honeymoon period is over, as far as I’m concerned.▶️ Alternative Product Recommendation:If you want to really want an upgrade to your headphones, comfort and sound quality… I highly recommend the Corsair Virtuoso RGB Wireless XT High Fidelity Dolby Atmos Sound headphones ( https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09BXZKNDB ).Buy them used from “Amazon Warehouse” in “Used – Like New” condition if want to get them cheap ($130) and know you’re getting high quality / audiophile level quality sound. They actually provide high-quality Dolby Atmos sound and are reasonably price on Amazon if buy them used in “LIKE NEW” condition.Since mine were used I bought new, better ear cushions ( https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B095GS943G ) for them which made them even more comfortable and better at noise cancellation.