NOCO Boost Pro GB150 3000A UltraSafe Car Battery Jump Starter, 12V Battery Pack, Battery Booster, Jump Box, Portable Charger and Jumper Cables for 9.0L Gasoline and 7.0L Diesel Engines
Original price was: $374.95.$1,043.52Current price is: $1,043.52. BZD
– 20% ★★★★★ NOCO Boost Pro GB150 3000A UltraSafe Car Battery Jump Starter, 12V Battery… $299.95 $374.95 See it Start Dead Batteries – Safely jump start a dead battery in seconds with this compact, yet powerful, 3000-amp lithium battery jump starter – up to 80 jump starts on a single charge – and rated […]
- Start Dead Batteries - Safely jump start a dead battery in seconds with this compact, yet powerful, 3000-amp lithium battery jump starter - up to 80 jump starts on a single charge - and rated for gasoline engines up to 9.0-liters and diesel engines up to 7.0-liters.
- UltraSafe - Safe and easy-to-use car jumper starter and jump pack without worrying about incorrect connections or sparks. Safely connect to any 12-volt vehicle with our mistake-proof design featuring spark-proof technology and reverse polarity protection.
- Multi-Function - It's a car jump starter, portable power bank, and LED flashlight. Recharge smartphones, tablets, and other USB devices. It's easily rechargeable from any powered USB port in 6-hours at 2.1-amps. An integrated 500-lumen LED flashlight with seven light modes, including emergency strobe and SOS. Plus, a 12-volt, 15-amp outport port for powering any 12VDC devices, like tire inflators, inverters and more.
- Advanced Design - Our most advanced car battery charger jump starter ever. Featuring high-discharge lithium technology for safe operation in any climate. A rugged and water-resistant enclosure rated at IP65. A rubberized over-molded casing to prevent scratching or marring of surfaces. And an ultra-compact and lightweight design weighing just 7.5 pounds.
- In The Box - GB150 UltraSafe Portable Car Jump Starter, Heavy Duty Booster Clamps, XGC Male and Female Connectors, XGC Cable, Micro USB Charging Cable, Microfiber Storage Bag, User Guide, 1-Year Warranty, and Designed in the USA.
Specification: NOCO Boost Pro GB150 3000A UltraSafe Car Battery Jump Starter, 12V Battery Pack, Battery Booster, Jump Box, Portable Charger and Jumper Cables for 9.0L Gasoline and 7.0L Diesel Engines
10 reviews for NOCO Boost Pro GB150 3000A UltraSafe Car Battery Jump Starter, 12V Battery Pack, Battery Booster, Jump Box, Portable Charger and Jumper Cables for 9.0L Gasoline and 7.0L Diesel Engines
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Original price was: $374.95.$1,043.52Current price is: $1,043.52. BZD
John Leavitt –
. This device is insane .I have been using standard 50 pound jump starters for years and they usually , but not always , performed sufficiently , and not always reliably . Lately , for the last 2 years , I have been dealing with a failing ” battery saver module ” in my 2007 Ford F350 CrewCab 4×4 6.0 diesel pickup . The short explanation is that when the outside temps drop below 60 to 50 degrees , the battery saver module kicks in . Once the days get cooler and the BSM activates it completely drains both batteries in my truck in about 2 days while my truck sits unoperated . My standard jump box just wasn’t charging sufficiently anymore to jump my truck from a dead start , and about 2 weeks ago it completely failed even though it was as charged as it was going to get . After reading up on these type of jump starters and reading tons of reviews for different brands and sizes of these jump boxes , I wasn’t completely confident that these things can or would actually operate as the manufacturers claim . I decided to purchase the NOCO GB150 mostly because ;1. They are an American manufacturer and …2. because they have been manufacturing vehicle assistive devices for many years and have an established reputation and …3. because their machines aren’t built around add on cheap , junky , gimmicky crap like tire inflators , laser lights , compasses , radios , mini winches , etc….its just a solid jump box built into a strong , high quality housing with a useful , quality LED headlight and a few plugs for USB and charger adapters , and..4. it seems to have better overall safety features than the other comparable brands , plus it is rated for much larger engines , and I did not find any other brand offering a machine rated for such large engines and..5. In comparing the NOCO GB150 and it’s parts such as the cables and post clamps to other brand boxes , the NOCO quality seems to be solid , professional quality .After receiving the box and examining it , it is my opinion that this is a finely manufactured product , no cheap or flimsy parts at all .Charging it completely out of the box as advised in the user manual took about 12 hours . The following afternoon I went out to my truck to start it up . It was about 3pm and the afternoon temp was about 75 degrees , and the overnight temp got down to about 49 to 53 degrees . My truck had been parked for 12 days without being started , and the batteries were completely dead . I attached the post clamps , waited about 1 minute , and keyed the ignition switch. The engine kicked over vigorously , no lag , no hesitation . I went into town to do chores and run errands , making several stops throughout the afternoon . I jumped my truck 5 more times that afternoon . When I returned home , I checked the box and the charge indicator gauge showed the box STILL at 100% . I left the box on the passenger side of the floor for the next use . I went out 2 days later , jumped my truck that morning and 4 more times that day . Upon returning home I checked the box and the charge indicator gauge showed the charge at 75% ! Think about that …I jumped my 6.0 diesel 11 times over a 4 day periodwithout recharging this box , and it only used approximately 1/4 of the contained charge ..that is unreal .After reading the reviews , the only concern I had –apart from this box actually performing as the manufactures claimed it would — was the complaints from a few customers that the power component ( battery pack ) failed rather early …there were only like 3 or 4 reviews with this complaint …in contrast there were hundreds of 4 and 5 star reviews for this box , none of which mentioned the box having a short lifespan or otherwise failing . Also , there were a few follow up reviews from guys who had purchased the box more than a year or more prior and talked about how the box was still functioning dependably as it was designed to do .One other thing to keep in mind is that should the battery pack fail , NOCO states in its user manual that it does rebuild the box should the owner send it in for such service .In conclusion I absolutely recommend this box or its smaller versions . In my opinion , NOCO builds the best quality box , and judging from other reviews , also maintains a responsive Customer Assistance department which is important as these jump boxes are not a throwaway item . Buy this jump box . 5 STARS !
lili-Luna –
. The first two units that I purchased about year ago for the work and I got a lot of good feedback. They were very happy with it and I did remind them to keep it charged don’t let it die and just like everything you need to maintain meaning once every 2 or 3 months check on it make sure it’s not low if so Charge it and keep a reminder because with all the batteries if you don’t maintain them they will not perform when you need them so the third one I bought recently I bought it for personal use because I already tried it and I liked the performance. I knew they were working well because I constantly will ask to get feedback how many times they need to charge per use or per after how many vehicles and respond was after four vehicles jumping start the battery charge was still 75%. I do recommend but mind you it’s very expensive , you get what you pay for.Note: make sure you don’t leave this indirect heat with all the batteries It’s dangerous specially lithium batteries they cannot handle very heavy heat and left in the car direct sunlight. Once again Make sure it’s in well ventilated area and away from direct heat or sunlight.
Noone –
Anschaffung die ich mit unter je gemacht hab.Also laden über USB 2A braucht das Teil 2 Tage von Null auf Hundert. Und es hält die Ladung ewig. Ich schätze mal nach knapp 2 Jahren und etwa 10 Einsätzen, vor allem bei großen V6-Motoren und Dieselmotor, bei einem Stand von knapp 75%, habe ich es mal nachgeladen. Bis jetzt nach etwa 5 Starts und paar mal Motorrad zeigt das Ding immer noch 100% an.Und die Praktibilität möchte einfaxh nie wieder missen. Probleme mim Auto. Motorrad zu lang gestanden. Batterie leer. Kein Thema. Noco in den Rucksack und los geht’s.Von den Vorteilen gegenüber einer Überbrückung brauch ich ja sicher niemandem was erzählen.
Karsten V. –
Bei der damaligen Suche nach einem Booster, hatte ich mich anfänglich von den wenigen schlechten Bewertungen beeinflussen lassen. Dann dennoh gekauft, denn wenn er nicht meinen Erwartungen entspricht, geht er halt wieder zurück.Dieses war jedoch nicht notwendig. Gestartet wurdenbis dato nur gr0ße Dieselmotoren aus Mercedes oder Renault Transportern. Dieses hat auch bei total leeren Starterbatterien bis jetzt immer einwandfrei funktionert.Aus Neugier reizte mich der Versuch, den Booster ohne Starterbatterie anzuschließen. Ging auch. Motor sprang ohne Probleme an.Tja, da dachte ich mir, kann man den Booster nicht auch bedingt als Starterbatterie verwenden?Sicherlich, der Motor muss dann immer laufen. Licht und Lüftung an ohne laufenden Motor geht natürlich nicht lange.Meine Neugier gewann wieder und so fohr ich 3 Tage mit dem Booster ohne Starterbatterie. Immerhin 42 Starts waren möglich und der Booster nahm kein Schaden. Angeschlossen am Ladegerät, ließ er sich auf die volle Kapazität laden und tut auch jetzt noch seine Dienste anstandslos.Von mir eine klare Kaufempfehlung, auch wenn ich den aktuellen Preis (15.09.2023) für zu hoch ansehe. Ich hatte den Booster deutlich preiswerter erworben. Dennoch stimme ich hier vielen zu, die zusätzlichen Kosten für das Ladegerät und die Schutztasche , machen den Booster als Gesamtpaket zu einer teuren Anschaffung.Ich bin gespannt, wie lange er mir gute Dienste leisten wird.
franco g –
Guadalupe Sánchez Bolen –
Excelente producto fácil de usar lo probé en una urna con la batería completamente descargada y me dejo asombrado con un arranque instantáneo
Yahya –
Als Sachverständiger, der den NOCO Boost Pro GB150 fast täglich nutzt, bin ich äußerst zufrieden mit diesem Auto Batterie Booster. Die beeindruckenden 3000A ermöglichen zuverlässiges Starten von bis zu 9,0L Benzin- und 7,0L Dieselmotoren. Die kompakte Größe und das tragbare Design machen ihn zu einem unverzichtbaren Begleiter. Die integrierten USB-Lademöglichkeiten sind besonders praktisch. In den zwei Monaten intensiver Nutzung hat mich die Zuverlässigkeit dieses Boosters beeindruckt. Ein absolutes Muss für jeden, der auf eine zuverlässige Starthilfe angewiesen ist!
Katelyn O. –
. We’ve used NOCO products for the last 4 years or so. We rely on the GB150 for all heavy duty things. It’s lasted all this time and it’s helped us out of many binds and it’s allowed us to help strangers who have needed it as well. We decided to purchase one for my dad for his birthday and he loves it! He uses his all the time and it’s never let any of us down.
sondrak –
. Frequently have to jump start 4. Cylinder diesels. Has never made me run back into the shop to grab something else. My only gripe is the awkward clamp sizes though, Ironically, I consider it a selling point too, due to the gauge and thickness of materials used.This is the second gb150 I bought. The first one finally died after 5 years of faithful service, which I don’t even expect out of automotive batteries anymore and is probably towards the upper limit of batteries in general. Cables are average length, meaning you can’t set the box on the ground but to have longer cables you’re going to neither spend a whole lot more money for a more awkward thicker gauge cabling or lose practical use. Would probably recommend the storage case that I think they sell for it now, but after 5 years of already using one didn’t bother looking for a solution.The voltage feature is why you buy this one over the less expensive newer GB 155 I think it is? Typically when you’re jump starting a car, it’s nice to know the charging voltage. Has caught a couple of potential “comebacks” that I might have otherwise missed, and at the very least let’s me know whether I should leave it hooked up to pull the car in or not.
Matt –
. I am a professional mechanic in the classic car market. I use NOCOs daily, with the GB150 being the standard at our shop. We have GB150’s that are over 5 years old and still going strong. They are built to last, and truly a great product!Well, I finally had a lemon. Bought a new GB150 and after little over a month of use it just stopped working. First time that I have ever had a single issue. Sent it back to NOCO and they mailed me a brand new GB150 within a week. Too easy! Great company that stands by their product. Thanks NOCO!